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Neck Pain (Cervicalgia) Physiotherapy in Bristol

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  • Common symptoms of neck pain:

  • Can be a sudden onset or develop over time

  • Pain can be sharp, shooting, dull ache, stiff, hot or burning

  • It can be felt anywhere from the base of the head, the back and sides of the neck and across the tops of the shoulders and shoulder blade area.

  • Occasionally there may be some pins and needles or numbness felt

  • Can disturb sleep

  • Can give you headaches

  • May affect your ability to turn your neck or tilt your head.

How to manage neck pain

  • You can take steps to prevent neck pain related to strains and tense muscles.

  • Practice good posture. Position electronic devices, like computers and phones, so you don’t have to slouch or strain your neck when using them. Keep your shoulders aligned and your back straight when seated so you’re not straining your neck. Adjust the seats in your car to maintain good posture while travelling.

  • Adjust your sleep position. Maintain good posture when you’re asleep. If you sleep on your back or side, use a pillow to support your head so your head and neck are aligned with the rest of your body. If you sleep on your back, place a pillow underneath your knees to take additional pressure off your low back. Avoid sleeping on your stomach with your head turned.

  • Stay active. You can use many of the same exercises used to relieve neck pain to prevent it. If you work a job that involves sitting for long periods, take occasional breaks to move around and stretch your entire body, including your neck muscles.

  • Don’t carry heavy weight on your shoulders. Avoid carrying heavy objects like book bags or suitcases over your shoulder. Instead, consider using luggage or bags with wheels.

  • Exercise your upper back extensor muscles. It’s normal to lose strength in your upper back as you age. As a result, your shoulders rock forward, and your head tips forward in a position in front of your spine. This positioning puts additional strain on your neck and upper back.


Treatment from Physiotherapy: Neck pain

Along with advice, manipulation, strapping, muscle stimulation and home exercises, The Storm Clinic can also offer you (click on the links for more information)

  • Acupuncture sessions could potentially help in reducing inflammation of soft tissue and cartilage, which may be common causes of hip pain and long-term discomfort.

  • Shockwave therapy is a physical treatment that uses high-energy acoustic waves — known as shockwaves — to treat musculoskeletal pain and promote the healing of painful tissue. It works by stimulating increased blood circulation and cell growth, improving elasticity in the affected area, and ultimately reducing inflammation and pain. In some cases, it can be very effective in breaking up scar tissue or calcifications.  

  • Laser therapy helps to accelerate the healing process, reduce pain and reduce swelling.

                                                                                            To  book a consultation click here

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